每週四上午 08:30AM~10:00AM
每週四上午 08:30AM~10:00AM
2022年05月26日.碩二 林其毅
The effect of litter reuse on the spread of viral pathogens in the broiler farms
2022年05月19日.碩二 陳永峻
Epidemiology, Clinical Characteristics, and Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Candidemia in a Medical Center in Central Taiwan, 2015 – 2018
2022年05月19日.碩二 陳子軒
Development of the subunit vaccine based on Avibacterium paragallinarum hemagglutinin head domain sequence
2022年05月12日.博一 江兆弘
Temporal proteomic analysis of BK polyomavirus infection reveals virus-induced G2 arrest and highly effective evasion of innate immune sensing primary cells
2022年05月12日.碩一 布朗
Highly active engineered IgG3 antibodies against SARS-CoV-2
2022年05月05日.碩一 張祐誠
Rapid epidemic expansion of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in southern Africa
2022年05月05日.博二 袁羿博
Inter-domain communication in SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins controls protease-triggered cell entry
2022年04月28日.碩一 梁昕時
Genesis and spread of multiple reassortants during the 2016/2017 H5 avian influenza epidemic in Eurasia
2022年04月28日.碩一 吳秉諭
Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus invasion by ACE2 protecting and Spike neutralizing peptides: An alternative approach to COVID19 prevention and therapy
2022年04月21日.碩一 梁瑞玲
Bunyavirus SFTSV exploits autophagic flux for viral assembly and egress