每週四上午 08:30AM~10:00AM
每週四上午 08:30AM~10:00AM
2025年03月20日.碩一 何曉萱
Prioritization of livestock transboundary diseases in Belgium using a multicriteria decision analysis tool based on drivers of emergence
2025年03月27日.博二 許育禎
The Structural and Antigenic Characterization of the Waterfowl Parvovirus Capsid protein
2025年03月20日.博一 梁雋承
Mapping the distribution of Nipah virus infections: a geospatial modelling analysis
2024年12月26日.碩一 劉應晟
Immunogenicity generated by mRNA vaccine encoding VZV gE antigen is comparable to adjuvanted subunit vaccine and better than live attenuated vaccine in nonhuman primates
2024年12月19日.碩一 何曉萱
Parallel multi-criteria decision analysis for sub-national prioritization of zoonoses and animal diseases in Africa: The case of Cameroon
2024年12月19日.碩一 林家伃
Domain in Fiber-2 interacted with KPNA3/4 significantly affects the replication and pathogenicity of the highly pathogenic FAdV-4
2024年12月12日.碩一 房靖惟
An Efficient and Scalable Method for the Production of Immunogenic SARS-CoV-2 Virus-like Particles (VLP) from a Mammalian Suspension Cell Line
2024年12月12日.碩一 王首賀
Functional Correlation between Subcellular Localizations of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Capsid Protein and Virus Production
2024年12月05日.碩一 鄧葦倫
H19 influenza A virus exhibits species-specific MHC class II receptor usage
2024年12月05日.碩一 崔秀玉
Recombinant spike protein vaccines coupled with adjuvants that have different modes of action induce protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2